

On 21st of October 2018 was held a breakfast briefing within the framework of “Increased participation for good governance” project with municipal officials, Albanian and Serbian political party representatives, as well as with representatives of civil society, youth and women. IN this meeting were present 16 people (9 men, 7 women), from which 10 were of Albanian community and 6 of Serbian community.

Breakfast briefing about good governance in Sterpce

During this meeting the guests discussed about the Municipality of Sterpce work, electoral processes, women inclusion in decision-making processes and roles in the Municipality and about the methods that they could contribute in making important decisions. Along side this, municipal officials underlined the low number of women in decision-making roles in the beginning of the current local governance mandate, mainly because of insufficient legislation implementation for the gender quota, but with the time passing this issue has been solved and because of the women commitment and hard work now their number has increased beyond of what is guaranteed through the law.

Youth representatives in the meeting also had the chance to talk about youth activities in the Municipality of Sterpce, who requested continued support by the municipality for a much more active youth.

This activity was organized by CKDK within the framework of “Increased participation for good governance” project, implemented by Democracy for Development Institute (D4D) with financial support by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo. 

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