

Democracy for Development Institute (D4D) held a discussion meeting on the state of good governance at the municipal level in Kosovo. Representatives of the Ministry of Local Government Administration, members of municipal assemblies, representatives of municipalities and civil society organizations, discussed about the importance and value of following the principles of good governance in producing better and more efficient decisions at the local level, as well as helping local governments meeting their legislative responsibilities, and in providing an inclusive, transparent and accountable basis for decision making.

Discussion meeting on the state of good governance in local level in Kosovo

Taking into account the perception of the knowledge gap between municipal officials and citizens for the correct functioning of procedures and relations in local public institutions, during this meeting the participants also tested the interactive platform for good governance, which is being developed by D4D and will be soon launched. Given that in Kosovo, many public officials struggle with understanding what good governance means when translated into the everyday tasks they need to exercise and the standards they need to uphold while holding their public office, the Good Governance Platform addresses this issue by providing explanation for relationships between municipal bodies and citizens, among municipal bodies and of each municipal body towards the state, and mapping out good decision-making processes as prescribed by the law.

This activity was held in the framework of the project “Increased Participation for Good Governance”, implemented by D4D, supported by the Embassy of Netherlands in Kosovo.

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